Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Letter from Alex's Mission President

We didn't think that Alex would be getting a letter from his mission president because he was already in the MTC by the time his mission president arrived in Chile. We were totally surprised when a letter with a questionnaire showed up at the house the other day. We need to forward it to him so he can respond. I made a copy of it to go in his book. I wanted to share a few things from the letter on the blog.

In one portion of the letter President King is talking about the clothing requirements etc. and he says "You are serving in a walking mission." We had already figured that but he confirmed it. Brandon & Ben both served in walking missions. Fred served in a walking and biking mission - a lot of biking!!

I want to share the last portion of the letter:

Elder Leavitt, you have been called as an ambassador of the Lord in the Chile Santiago West Mission and we feel honored to work with you to build the kingdom of God in these the last days and help establish His church. This is a mission where the Lord has truly chosen to hasten His work in its time (D&C 88:73). You will play an important role in this effort as we go forth at an accelerated pace helping to change the lives of people by serving the Lord -- finding, teaching, baptizing, reactivating and establishing the Church. Our prayers are already with you and will remain with you. God will bless you to do a great work.

May the Lord bless you in the MTC. Enjoy the experience, learn all you can, and prepare for the work at hand. We will be waiting for you.


Presidente y Hermana Richard W. King

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that wonderful? I love it. It shows what an involved President he is and how caring he is about each and every missionary.

    Thanks for sharing!
