Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alex's Third Letter from the MTC

Hey Everyone!! I am sorry for Ben and Brandon that their countries suck at soccer. If anyone has not noticed yet Chile's doing amazing!

Most of the questions I am getting are about where is my district going on their missions, well there are 5 sets of missionaries in my district, 3 sets of missionaries elder Nielson and I, our roommates Elder Braddy and Elder Higgs, Elder Adair and Elder Burkhart we are all going to Chile Santiago West. So it is pretty dang cool I am excited. Elder Moody and Elder Bown are going to Guatemala and leave for the MTC down there next Tuesday I am so sad I love those guys I am gonna be devastated me and elder moody probably get along the best out of anyone here. Then there is elder Watson and elder cononica he is from Switzerland but they are going to Paris France Spanish speaking! crazy eh? They both speak fluent french Cononica also speaks fluent German and both speak English so they are a power house companionship. Thank you so much mom for my two packages and I was actually going to ask you to send me some pictures so I can show off my family so thank you for that. So ya I guess I will just get into what I did this week. Well I got to meet my mission president and his wife on Friday they are way cool. I love them and they were both soo excited to meet me.. They were both like ELDER LEAVITT!!!!!!!! like we had known each other like forever kind of thing. All the other elders and Hermanas were like do they know each other? It was really funny.. but ya I can tell I will love them.. On Saturday our teachers did like a little interview thing with us and brother penellio did mine I love that teacher. I have never had such an amazing teacher in my life. He is so funny yet I have never met a guy that can be so spiritual as well. Well we are all in the computer lab working and he pulls me out we are walking to the class room and he is like "Elder Leavitt I really like you" and I was like well thanks I like you too hahaha. But he went on to say that he loves my energy and doesn't want to me to ever loose that. I have had so many teachers tell me that they want me to tone it down or like you know.. but he said I am such an amazing people person and that along with that energy I also know when to tone it down and get spiritual and that I will be an amazing missionary and and do amazing work. He asked me if I will help other missionaries in our district because they look up to me. He then said there is a scripture that he said describes me perfectly and I love it.. It is in D&C 123:17 "therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance to see the salvation of god, and for his arm to be revealed.." he said keep up my energy and be cheerful and if I remember to stand still when it is appropriate that I will be able to witness miracles on my mission.. I just love that guy. Well on Sunday I had the opportunity to bless the bread for about 600 missionaries. It was so cool! There were no general authorities there but it was still an amazing experience. Later though I was in a meeting with 8 general authorities and ran into elder Richard G Scott in the bookstore. It has been such an amazing weekend. I have not even been here in two weeks and I am already witnessing miracles and having some of the most spiritual experiences of a lifetime. I love my mission and I am so blessed to be able to serve our lord. Yesterday at the TRC we had to contact set up an appointment in Spanish and then teach a lady the first lesson in English. She is a volunteer and obviously any volunteer would already be LDS. We are in our lesson and we come to the point to where we teach about how god loves and blesses families. I just felt prompted to not really teach that part but bear my testimony about how much I love my family and how god has blessed me through them. The spirit was so strong at that point that she started to cry a little bit and so did I. We went on to have an amazing lesson and she had nothing but amazing things to say to us afterwards. I love all of you so much and you are really the reason why I am the man I am today. I am her for the lord and you guys I love you all.

Elder Leavitt

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